Sunday, February 13, 2011

Planned Parenthood Exposed and My Tax Dollars

If you’ve read my previous blog you know that I am pro-life. It’s also no surprise that I was very happy with the work of Lila Rose’s Live Action Pro-life group undercover work that exposed the corruption within Planned Parenthood. Rose and her group sent out a couple posing as a “pimp” and a young, underage female. What they caught on camera was mind blowing. They told the people at Planned Parenthood that they did “sex work,” and needed to get some of the women then just got shipped to the U.S. illegally, STD tested. And instead of reporting it to the police they advised the “pimp,” about how to get the services needed, some even told him how the young ladies could continue working during their healing 2-week period after having an abortion. Last time I checked, a “pimp” with underage women, in the “sex business,” is human trafficking. Not once did they confront the “pimp” about his illegal activity. They just turned the other cheek and allowed these “young women” to continue being prostitutes. The sad part is, this happened at Planned Parenthoods in the states of New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C, Arizona, Indiana and Virginia. It doesn’t matter what your stance is, whether you’re pro-life or not, human trafficking is wrong. Nothing justifies it. The fact that this happened in several clinics is too much. The growing trend of neutrality within Planned Parenthood has gone too far here. Regardless of their excuses that these woman deserve help regardless of their status is not justifiable. Sitting there and listening to a “pimp” talk about his young girls and just going along with it is wrong. Through their services, the clinics were giving the ok for illegal activity to occur and even letting those young woman return to a sad life of selling their body against their will.

What’s even more disturbing is that our tax dollars are going to support clinics such as these. Last year Planned Parenthood received about $363 million from our tax dollars. For what? So they can strip young women of their human dignity through covering up abusive relationships and sex trafficking through abortions? Nothing in my eyes can justify this. It’s astonishing to think that Planned Parenthood who claims they want to “help” young women, would allow them to re-enter these relationships, whether it’s pimping or not. My heart goes out to the women who face the tough choice of abortion, it must be an awful place to be in, but they need to know that abortion is not the only option. There is hope for them and killing your baby or returning to a life of prostitution doesn’t have to be the only way out. It’s our duty to help each other find hope. And that hope is life. A life without pimping or killing innocent lives. These women seeking help at clinics such as these want solutions, not more problems.

Right now pro-life advocates are pushing a bill on Capitol Hill to stop tax-funded abortions. Fox News reported a Poll that was conducted last November showed that 61 percent of Americans opposed paying for abortions. This included 70 percent of women.

It bothers me that our tax dollars support this new culture of death. What scares me is what if there was no set up by Live Action. What if that pimp was not an actor, but real? Reality is, this scenario is probably not new to these clinics. Planned Parenthood doesn’t want to help these women. If they did, they would have not offered services to these pimps in the beginning. They tell them it’s best to abort their child, then send them on their way. What they don’t have to deal with are the emotional and sometimes physical scars left with these women. The consequences they risk; guilt and depression that leads to suicide, sterilization, life-threatening infections and sometimes even death. I don’t want to pay for this. I care about my sisters too much.


  1. Personally I am pro choice, and to me that is an argument that neither side is ever going to win and one I don't enjoy having. However that won't stop me from reading your pro life posts. I don't feel overly strong about it. Anyway this is a shocking post and at the same time I'm not that surprised.
    First off this "pimp" walking into the planned parenthood and using it to get his underage girls tested is disgusting. The fact that planned parenthood would offer its services to that shady of a character is disturbing.

    However it really doesn't suprise me. The people who work at planned parenthood cant be the smartest group of individuals and I cant see that being someones dream job. Second they probably just didn't even care enough to report it. It makes me wonder if that whole program should be reworked because if something like can happen then it makes you wonder what happens in planned parenthood that camera aren't secretly capturing.

    Luckily Ive never had the reasons to visit a PP but after reading this I'm worried that people who actually need those services are getting poor treatment and advice.

  2. Like INstinKs, I am more pro choice but was dumbfounded by way Planned Parenthood handled these situations. While I do think that PP provides some very important services to women, they need a complete overhaul of their organization and get the right people working with the proper training.

    It is unacceptable that several PP locations were essentially helping with human trafficking. I too care about my sisters and I support them, although I would hope they were smart enough to not be in the situation, if they needed to receive services like PP provides. I don't, however, want them going to places that have ill-trained workers that don't care about the safety of those around them.
